
Monday, July 19, 2010

Mysti's Run 07-19-2010

Workout: 10 minute Run & 10 minutes on Elliptical.
Distance: Run was 1 mile.

Well, today was not so encouraging. I felt like the Tin Man; it felt like every muscle in my body was stiff and needed oil. I was totally surprised when I made the mile loop in 10 minutes. I really was expecting it to be about a 13 minute mile. However, I just could not find the energy to continue. Oh well, Thur. and Sat. were good runs!

Side Note: Running makes me Hungry!
I am not too concerned about losing weight, because my main focus is just to get back into shape and feel more toned. But, gaining weight because I am starving on days I run seems counterproductive. Yeah, Yeah...I am being dramatic.

So Food? Suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. I felt the same when I started running in the 20-30 minute range. I just tried to eat a lot of fruit and drink more water. Now, I think I almost eat less than I did. Although, I don't think I've lost a single pound.

    My running book suggests eating more snacks, but making sure they are healthy snacks.
