
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Michelle's Run 7.4.10

Running Stats:

Time: 30 min
Distance: 2.64 (approximately)
Pace: 11:22

We were at Michael's parents for the 4th of July holiday.  I ran down their street (it's almost a mile) for 30 minutes.  Since I didn't run on a treadmill, I don't know exactly how far I ran.. but it was about the same as my last run.  I'm glad I didn't run slower than a treadmill (which was a big fear.)  I'm also proud of myself for getting up and running 30 minutes in the morning before church while Michael kept on sleeping.  haha. 

I'm thinking that since I don't work tomorrow, I might run instead of running Tuesday.  We will see how the day goes. 

1 comment:

  1. Running on a Sunday and a Holiday !!

    I am glad you didn't slow down or notice a big difference from treadmill to road.

    It was much easier for me to run on the treadmill.
