
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Mysti's Run 07-10-2010

Warm Up: Stretching
Workout: 11 minute Run (1 mile). Running/Walking last 9 minutes.
Total Distance: About 1.7 miles

I have had two thoughts come up today:
1) I need to learn how to pace my running.
2) My whole workout process needs to get faster.

In regards to the first thought, I blame it on my years of playing basketball. I notice when I am running I speed up and slow down often. I don't think that is really how I am suppose to or should run.

In regards to the second thought, I just spend a lot of time stretching and icing before and after I run which takes time. I hope once I really get in shape it will not take as long.

1 comment:

  1. I think the pacing and the time will get faster as you run more. Just tell's not a race and you aren't running suicides or any other kind of basketball drill. I'm sure basketball is to blame!

    I need to stretch more...maybe we can meet in the middle.
