
Friday, July 2, 2010

Michelle's Run 7.2.10

Running Stats:

Time: 30 minutes
Distance: 2.64
Pace: 11:22

 I ended up not running yesterday.  My only excuse is that I started reading Twilight and read about 200 pages of it yesterday...not much time for running.

The air was off in the workout room again!  To top it off, my water wasn't cold.  However, I ran 30 minutes and I ran quite a bit faster than last time. 

I realized that since I am running on a treadmill, I don't really push myself in the speed department.  I had been setting one speed and sticking with it the whole time.  This past week I have been adjusting my speed as I ran and trying to go a little faster at times (but not over-doing it). 

It's intimidating to think that for the last 2 weeks 30 minutes was my long run, but starting this week 30 minutes is going to be my regular run and I will have to run for 40 minutes Wednesday!  Eeekk!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahahaha !!!!

    I started reading Twilight the weekend before I started my first "big-girl" job. I think I went to my first day of work with two hours of sleep.
