
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Michelle's Run 7.13.10

Running Stats:
Time: 30 minutes
Distance: 2.67
Pace: 11:14

I got up and ran before work.  Of course it took Michael practically kicking me out of bed to do it.  So, it's done for the day.  I'm sure I will be thankful later that I got up... but right now I'm just thinking about that extra hour of sleep I could have gotten.  haha. 

Tomorrow will be harder because Michael isn't running with me, so it's all on my to get myself up and running. We'll see how that works out.  It's a long run too! 


  1. Did you appreciate the morning run when you got home from work?

  2. Yes and No. I was glad that it was done for the day... but I was pretty tired. Then I didn't get to sleep any earlier so I was WAY too tired to run this morning. So, the afternoon heat it is! Luckily it's been cooler the last couple of days.
