
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Michelle's Run 7.28.10

Running Stats:
Time: 50 Minutes
Distance: no idea...too far and not far enough at the same time
Pace: I'm just happy I was able to keep my feet moving

My first 50 minute run!  The first 30 minutes were pure torture.  The last 10 were the best.  To let you in on what our little lap is like...I have to run straight uphill for 2 minutes every 9 minutes!(I ran the hill 6 times on this run) I did have to walk at the very top a couple of times... but it probably totaled 2 minutes of walking and at that point I was probably running at a walking pace.  haha.

I'm glad the long run is over for the week... and I can look forward to doing it again next Wednesday!

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