
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Michelle's Run 8.18.10

Running Stats:
Time: 60 minutes
Distance: 5ish miles

I honestly can't believe I actually finished this run.  All night I have planned on just running tomorrow. I ate dinner (pasta and wine) and even had ice cream.  However, when 8pm rolled around and I had nothing to do I suddenly decided it was a good time to run for an hour! My goal was just to not throw up. 

I had to run the last 20 minutes inside on a treadmill because it got too dark.  I didn't throw up and I actually felt good for most of the run (as good as you can feel on your 2nd hour long run I suppose.)  So, I'm proud of myself.


  1. That is so awesome! You should be proud! Make sure you give yourself enough recovery time now that you are into doing longer runs - a day before your long run and day after is a good idea! (I know I feel much better when I do that!) Congrats!

  2. Awesome !!

    I don't think I would have had the motivation after a relaxing night with pasta and wine.
