
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Michelle's Run 8.17.10

Running Stats:
Time: 27 minutes
Distance and Pace: I don't know

This was a frustrating run.  I think it was because I was in a bad mood or something.  I didn't sleep well, Murray ran with me and was bad, and the sun came out half way through the run and made it miserable!  I think the not sleeping well effected the other bad elements of the run.  But, my run is done for the day.  Tomorrow I am supposed to run 60 minutes again.  I'll have to psych myself up for that all day today. 

Well I have to run and get ready for work.  Hour long commutes make everything seemed rushed.  (At least I only drive the hour once a week or so.)


  1. Tomorrow is a 40 minute run for me...We can do it !!

  2. Arggg... speedwork for me. Hope the humidity's down in the morning :)
