
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Michelle's Run 8.1.10

Running Stats: 30 minutes
Distance: unknown
Pace: unknown

7:30 am run, on a Sunday!  My main motivation for getting up this morning was the weather.  It was going to be about 10 degrees cooler this morning than it's supposed to get tonight. 

I took Murray with me on my run.  Since it was my day to walk him anyways, I saved time by bringing him along on the run.  I also thought it would be a good time to take him since it was cooler and I knew there wouldn't be a lot of other people/dog out.  He had a great time for the first 20 minutes.  The last 10, I was pretty much pulling him along.  The pace was way down... I never thought Murray would be the one slowing me down! 

On our first lap we were running down a hill and Murray was having a great time.  His tongue was out and he had a bounce in his step.  The song playing on my ipod was "Beautiful Day" by U2, I couldn't help but think how perfect that song was for Murray at that moment.  I'm sure he was thinking it was a beautiful day... then 20 minutes later he was thinking more like "Misery Business." 

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