
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Michelle's Run 8.11.10

Running Stats:
Time: 60 minutes
Distance: 5.06
Pace: 11:51

I ran for an hour!  I can't believe it.  My goal was to just run for an hour and I was hoping to at least run 5 miles.  I did both of those things. 

When I woke up this morning I wasn't sure how the run would go.  It was hot, I was sore from my minor car accident yesterday,  and the thought of running 60 minutes was scary to me. However, I felt pretty good from the beginning of the run and I slowly gained confidence that I could do it.

Murray ran with me for the first 30 minutes.  He was much better this time, maybe he's starting to get the hang of it.  After 30 minutes, I ran him by the house.  The only time I stopped on the whole run was to let him back inside and make sure he had water.  (I stopped my watch... so the time doesn't reflect dropping Murray off).  Then I started running again as soon as I shut the door and didn't stop until the end of the run. I even had enough energy at the end to finish strong! 

This was my third day in a row running.  I am definitely looking forward to the rest tomorrow.  Friday will be back to a 30 minute run, maybe it will seem easy after this run.  Ha!

Oh, and I will leave you with a picture of me that I took after the run.  It's a bad picture, but it shows my hard earned sweat (and there was a lot of it). I always try to take a picture of Murray after a run because he just passes out by the door, but as soon as I turn the camera on he sits up.

I know you are jealous of how frizzy my hair gets with sweat, heat, and humidity!


  1. That is AWSOME!! You did great! Yay for you =)

  2. Just found your blog, and am looking forward to following your running adventures :)

  3. 60 minutes !!
    Great Job !!

    Good pic, especially for have just ran an hour !! I should post a picture and you can laugh at my red face...Almost matches my hair.

    I cannot wait to talk to you; I will try and call tomorrow.
