
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mysti's Run 09-21-2010

Workout: 23 Minute Run
Distance: 2.25

I managed to get myself out of bed this morning at 6:35 and start running by 6:50.

After day light savings time I hope to be able to run more often and longer in the mornings, because right now it is still dark at 6:30 which has been my reason a couple of mornings not to go run or my excuse. This morning I felt good and wanted to run longer; however, I needed to get ready for work. BUT I am still hoping for motivation for morning runs.

Day light savings is Nov. 7th this year....So, I still have over a month before that change.

Basically, I need to develop a new plan to keep up my motivation: running schedule: days and times and decide on a new program 10k or something. Last long run was 5 miles and the one before that was 4.5; both felt pretty easy. Don't know how much to push forward at this point.

Anywho, just thinking out loud

1 comment:

  1. It's always good when you want to run longer. It's hard to get up with enough time to run and great ready. Just think if you have little kids to get ready too! Ahh!

    I think a 10k program would be good. You won't be constantly adding new distance, every other week or so you will increase... but not every 5 mile run will see easy. And by running a distance several times you are able to get faster, etc.

    Or you could start adding some crossing training or something to it. (weights, biking, walking, aerobics, etc)

    I still have a mileage increasing schedule that you may like, but it's in a book so I need to scan it. It's on my to do list!

    I'm trying to develop my next running program. So I'm thinking about these same things!
