
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Michelle's Run 9.9.10

Running Stats:
Time: 30 minutes
Distance: 2.94
Pace: 10:12

Not a bad run pace for being sick.  I even had to slow down a couple of times to cough.  However, the run doesn't actually sound the impressive when you consider it was supposed to be a 60 minute run.  I'm going to go for that tomorrow.

I was actually supposed to do the 60 minute run on Wednesday.  But let me tell you about Wednesdays...I find it impossible to run on those days.  You would think it wouldn't be hard because I don't have class that day, I usually don't even have work, and I don't run on Tuesdays so I should be well rested.  However, my Tuesdays are really long and tiring... so I think I just need Wednesday to recover.  Plus yesterday I was really feeling yuck!  Today I still don't feel great... but it's better.

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