
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Michelle's Run 9.19.10

Running Stats:
Time: 30 minutes

Another bad run.  I don't know what the deal is lately.  I still have some of this cold junk, so while I'm running I'm coughing and I just want a drink of water.

Murray ran with me for a little bit, but we saw too many dogs, so I had to drop him back off at the apartment. 

The 10k is this Saturday!  I'm getting pretty nervous actually, I don't know if I'm going to be able to finish.  eek!

p.s. Congrats to Mysti on her medal winning 5k!!  woo hoo! You've accomplished your goal to run a 5k, what's next??

On another note, I'm not sure I like what running is doing to my legs.  The other day, I wore some pants that were almost too tight around my thighs.  These pants have never been tight on me thighs.  I still haven't lost any weight either and I've even cut WAY back on drinking Dr. Pepper.  What's the deal?  Will I ever stop gaining leg muscle?  I would feel good just losing like 3 lbs... just to know I can lose weight.  I'm starting to feel like weight loss is impossible for me.  :(  I'm not wanting to lose weight now... but I need to know that it's possible!  I don't want to gain 30+ lbs with a pregnancy one day and not be able to lose any of it, even if I am running!  Ugh!

Ok, sorry for all of the complaints, that's just how i'm feeling right now. 


  1. I'm Sorry !!
    You will do great at the race and it will remotivate you. Hopefully the coughing will go away...cough meds? and/or rest?

    Muscle weighs more than fat...That's what I keep telling myself.

    Thanks for the Congrats !! I am thinking about what's next...Going to look at your 10k stuff.

  2. I probably need a little of both meds and rest. I took a nice 2 hour nap today to get me started on that. haha.

    I have another training plan for mileage building that I'm going to email you.

  3. Awe hang in there!! You can do it! It's just the cold talking!
