
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Michelle's run 11.8.12

Distance: 1 mile run; .5 mile walk

This wasn't good.  I didn't feel like running, but knew that I wouldn't be able to run tomorrow.  So, I decided to go.  I changed clothes and put my shoes on.  Every time I put my running shoes on, Murray gets so excited.  So, I feel bad not taking him.  Michael had told me the last time I took him, that I probably didn't need to anymore, but I felt bad, so I harnessed him up.  Well, it was a mistake.  We started running and I felt good.  However, we saw a dog.  When we see other dogs I have to pick up my pace to get him to concentrate on running and not the dog.  Well, he still pulls and lunges at the other dog, so I have to use my strength to pull him back.  I'm also always afraid that he will trip me.  Then, we go a little farther and two men are walking down the street on the uphill.  I know that I need to run past them, for the same reasons as before.  So I am trying to run faster uphill while he is pulling on me.  By the time we got to the top I was exhausted.  We walked the downhill and after I got my breath back to normal we started running again.  Then we saw TWO more dogs.  Ugh!  So, for the third time the situation repeated itself.  I barely got past the people before I had to stop.  By this point I was breathing ok, but in pain.  (I'm guessing my round ligament joints.)  I just walked straight home and didn't even finish my route. 

I should have just left him at home.  I don't know why I am cursed with such a terrible running dog.  That was one of the reasons I really wanted a dog, I wanted a running partner.  But instead, I got a dog that tried to pull my arm off.  I don't get so frustrated normally, but when running is already a bigger challenge, his behavior sends me over the edge.  (Not to mention the hormones!)

This is probably the longest post for a 1 mile run ever.  It's not even that exciting, but I needed to write this to remind me in the future that even though he wants to go on the run...he just can't until May.  (Maybe this will motivate me to go on more walks on my non-running days, because walking I think I can handle with him....just not running.)

1 comment:

  1. Just noticed - my note didn't post the other day.
    Be careful !!
    Murray likes walks and so does baby.
