
Monday, November 26, 2012

Michelle's Run 11.26.12

Run: 10 minute
Walk: 10 minute

I didn't take my watch or ipod with me, but I'm guessing that I ran for about 10 minutes and walked for about 10.  I was happy to get something in before it got dark and on a nicer weather day.  (I think it's supposed to rain tomorrow.)

I went to the doctor today and I had gained around 8 pounds in a month!  Of course that month included Halloween and Thanksgiving, but it gave me all the more motivation to run this evening.  I'm hoping it wasn't really 8 pounds... (maybe bloated, water, etc.)

I had been weighing myself every Wednesday, just to keep track, but I hadn't done that in the last few weeks.  I need to get back on that.  It's a good weigh for me to remember that I can't just eat whatever I want. 

Of course, I also tried to convince myself that maybe since I was running consistently, I gained some muscle...haha.

1 comment:

  1. I had one month that I gained 15 ibs. :0
    Glad you got a workout in it turned so cold and rainy today - sure headed your way tomorrow
