
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Michelle's Run 11.11.12

Time: 30 minute run (without stopping!); 5 minute walk (cool down)

I felt so great during this run.  Seriously, like I wasn't pregnant, except I knew I was going slower.  Here are what I think factored into the good run:

1. I ran a flat route, so less round ligament pain
2. The weather was great
3. I wore the Beband.  It probably isn't made for running, but it gave a little extra support. (even though it caused me to sweat more)

I didn't even have music or anything.  I just ran. 

I guess I will try to run the flat route more often, it means I have to walk along a section of a busier road (not on it, but in the grass next to it...there isn't a sidewalk), but it isn't too bad.

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