
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mysti's Run 06-29-2011

Workout: 20 Minute Run

John and I decided to send Joey to the Rogers Activity Center (RAC) during the day for Summer Day Camp while we have him for 5 weeks starting July 5th. John also signed the family up for a Family Membership which includes a workout room, basketball courts and a jogging track.

Today I ran at the indoor running track and it was great !! The air was so low the first couple of laps my lungs felt like they do when you run in the winter. :)

The workout room is very nice and up to date. I didn't go into the workout room today, because one of my client's fathers was working out on the weight machines. He is a really nice guy and it would have been completely fine...I was just not wanting to talk at 8:30am on my day off.

Running into clients or client's parents I knew could be the downside to the RAC, but seriously I think he is one of three fathers that participates in family therapy and probably the only parent that works out. We shall see how the RAC goes...

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