
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mysti's Run 05-14-2011

Workout: 5 Minute Warm up, 40 Minute Run, 5 Minute Cool down
Distance: 4.3 Miles

Great Run !!

The weather was a little cool to start with at 50 degrees (for me, I know it is Michelle's favorite temp), but after about 10 minutes I warmed up and it was just fine.

I think what helped the run was a full 8 hours of sleep, good breakfast of 2 eggs and 2 pieces of toast and the fact that I had not drank a Dr. Pepper, yet. Summer will be here shortly and I will be able to get back to morning runs thanks to work slowing down and refusing to schedule clients before 10:00am !! What teenager wants to get up early during the summer to come to therapy or if truth be known I don't want to talk with teenagers prior to 10:00am. All that to say, morning runs are just around the corner.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I wish it was that temperature here. Instead it's still been 75 before 10am. This week is supposed to be cooler...I hope that's true.

    Good run!
