
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Michelle's Walk 10.5.10

Walking Stats:
Distance: 2 miles

I was supposed to run Sunday and Monday.  However, my schedule did not allow for it.  I wasn't going to be able to do anything today, but my night class got canceled.  I thought about running, but decided to walk Murray instead.  We walked about 2 miles.  The weather was amazing. I noticed there are some good and bad to walking instead of running.

Good: no sweat, easier on the knees and shins, didn't feel the need for music, and didn't want to look at my watch every few minutes

Bad: burned about half as many calories as running, didn't get that "I feel great" feeling afterwards

I could have ran instead of walked this evening, but at least I did something instead of just watching TV!  I plan on running tomorrow anyways.

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