
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Michelle's Run 10.20.10

Running Stats:
Distance: 5 miles
Time: 54 minutes or so (I forgot to set my watch at the beginning of the run, so this is  bit of a guess)

I ran at the nearby (30 minute drive) Nature Center greenway today.  Since I had driven all the way there, I decided to make my drive worth it by running 5 miles.  I could definitely tell that I hadn't run over 4 miles in a while, but it wasn't too bad.  I had to walk for a little bit because almost at the end of the run there is a part that is very very steep.  Walking was probably just as fast as running.  Next time I will run a little further out on the trail so that my run will end when I get to this hill.  The weather was nice and about 2 miles of the greenway I had never run on before, it's always exciting to run somewhere new.  I also ran without my ipod... just me and nature!


  1. Sounds like a fun run !!
    I thought you said you were unmotivated. The 30 minute drive must have helped.

  2. Yes, the drive and the thought of running somewhere semi-flat helped with the motivation.
