
Monday, June 11, 2012

Mysti 06-11-2012

Couch to 5k / 1.62 Miles: I wanted to start something structured so I went with the Couch To 5k App. It gave me some structure without having to think / plan my workout. Not sure what my running will look like in over the next few months. I would like to start training for a Half Marathon again - I think I was up to 8 Miles when I was 6 week prego and my back went out. However, I have no idea how I would be able to work full time, be a good wife and mother and find time for long runs. Any Tips ?? Also...Did some pelvic and leg lifts. Not sure how I am going to get my stomach back to normal. My c-section left my stomach looking like I had a really bad tummy tuck. Any Tips ??

1 comment:

  1. I think you can easily plan for a half marathon only running 3 times a week. Make the long run on the weekend when John is home. Then you just have to fit in 2 other shorter runs (the other could even be the other weekend day). Then you could try to fit one strength session in. (Jilian Michaels video, weights, etc.)

    No clue on the stomach.... you got me there.

    I would love to work toward a half marathon with you, but I'm hoping that I won't be able to train for one soon.... but you never know. In a couple of months I may be talking half marathon plans!
