
Friday, June 8, 2012

Michelle's Run 6.3.12

Distance: 2 miles

I was in Savannah for 4 days and I managed to squeeze in one run!  I ran 2 miles around Forsyth Park.  It was sooo beautiful.  The sidewalk was also shaded, so it stayed cooler.  If I lived in Savannah I would run there every day!  My friend Erika ran the first lap with me.  It was nice to have some company and chat on the run.  The second lap I ran solo.  I ran it pretty hard since I knew I was only going to get 2 miles in.  I felt great and loved the change of scenery!  I wanted to run another day, but it just didn't work out.  Oh well, running at all on vacation is an improvement for me!

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