Saturday, June 30, 2012
Mysti's Workout 06-30-2012
1 Hour: Your Shape Evolved and Repeated Day 1 5k = 20 minutes / 1.64 miles
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Michelle's walk 6.28.12
1 mile walk with Michael.
I had a minor surgery Tuesday and have not been feeling up to exercising. The walk tonight was my way of easing back into it. I will try to do some modified Jilian Michael's tomorrow and then run Saturday.
Surgery the week before a 10k was probably not my best decision! Plus, it's going to be close to 100 degrees that day! Eeek!
I had a minor surgery Tuesday and have not been feeling up to exercising. The walk tonight was my way of easing back into it. I will try to do some modified Jilian Michael's tomorrow and then run Saturday.
Surgery the week before a 10k was probably not my best decision! Plus, it's going to be close to 100 degrees that day! Eeek!
Mysti's Workout 06-28-2012
40 Minutes of Your Shape_____Stomp It, Arms, Back, Abs, Wall Breaker and Bootcamp. I tried to take it easy today, because my back is starting to act up and hurt a little. HOWEVER, John has tomorrow off and I have a hair appointment, chiropractic appointment and an hour massage scheduled !! A stop at Sonic for a Strawberry Dr. Pepper and I will be a new woman !!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Mysti's 06-26-2012
Your Shape Evolved: 10m Stomp It, 10m Arms, 8m Abs, 9m Glutes, 12m Wall Breaker and 8m Stomp It. _____ Very good workout !!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Michelle's Run 6.24.12
Distance: 3.5 miles
I wanted to run 6 miles....yeah, that didn't happen! It was humid and gross. 3.5 was the best I can do. I may die during the Peachtree. Well not die, but have to walk a bunch...which in my opinion is close!
I wanted to run 6 miles....yeah, that didn't happen! It was humid and gross. 3.5 was the best I can do. I may die during the Peachtree. Well not die, but have to walk a bunch...which in my opinion is close!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Mysti's Workout 06-22-2012
50 Minutes - Your Shape Evolved
:) I can feel the workout all over my body. Listed are the activities I completed today: 6 minutes Jump Rope, 6 m Stomp It, Arms 12 m = knee push-ups, slow mountain climb, lunges, cardio mixed with punches using my 2lb weights, Legs 4 m = squats and lunges and 12 m Walk Breaker = boxing with weights and knee kicks. Lions, Tigers and Bears Oh My....I will not always list the details, but wanted to give you an idea of what I was was doing.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Mysti's Workout 06-21-2012
1 Hour of Your Shaped Evolved 2012
Yay !! I bought the Game and tried it out for the first time today. My wonderfully "laid back" baby didn't interrupted one time. :):) (Joke between Michelle and I) I turned on the game at 12:15 and started the game about 12:45 - a little delay do to diaper and fighting his nap. Overall, I really enjoyed the game: quick to start working out, good mix of workouts and some fun games and dance classes. The AB workouts kicked my butt. Including: slow and fast mountian climber, plank, basic crunches and a couple others I don't remember the names.
PS, I planned to run last night, but a hot relaxing bath it what happened during that time. :) Just too tired to run.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Michelle's run 6.18.12
Time: 55 minutes
Yesterday Murray and I went for a 55 minute run. I was supposed to run 5.5 miles this past weekend, but with traveling it didn't happen. However, yesterday Murray really needed to get some energy out. He had been cooped up in the hotel room for too long. So we went on a run around the little town where we were staying. It was warm, but there was a breeze most of the time. I had thought about stopping after 30 minutes, but I figured it was run 55 minutes (close enough to 5.5 miles) now or running it in my hilly neighborhood later in the week while I was also working all day. It seemed like a good idea to keep going. I am proud of myself for running that long on vacation and without music! (Murray also did well.)
Yesterday Murray and I went for a 55 minute run. I was supposed to run 5.5 miles this past weekend, but with traveling it didn't happen. However, yesterday Murray really needed to get some energy out. He had been cooped up in the hotel room for too long. So we went on a run around the little town where we were staying. It was warm, but there was a breeze most of the time. I had thought about stopping after 30 minutes, but I figured it was run 55 minutes (close enough to 5.5 miles) now or running it in my hilly neighborhood later in the week while I was also working all day. It seemed like a good idea to keep going. I am proud of myself for running that long on vacation and without music! (Murray also did well.)
Michelle's workout 6.17.12
3.5 mile walk
This past Sunday, Michael and I went to Cumberland Island, GA. It's a small island that very few people live on. (It's mostly a national park.) You take a ferry to get there and then you have to walk to the beach (no life guard either). We ended up walking about 3.5 miles around the island to see different parts of the park. We had a great time and were active the whole time we were there! The only bad part was the mosquitoes!
This past Sunday, Michael and I went to Cumberland Island, GA. It's a small island that very few people live on. (It's mostly a national park.) You take a ferry to get there and then you have to walk to the beach (no life guard either). We ended up walking about 3.5 miles around the island to see different parts of the park. We had a great time and were active the whole time we were there! The only bad part was the mosquitoes!
Mysti's Workout 06-19-2012
45 Minutes of Kinect: Your Shape Evolves
Squats, lunges, cardio boxing. I could feel the lunges from yesterday.
Also, I was reading about the 2012 version (Dana has first version)and it has floor activites like push-ups / sit-ups that the one I trying out doesn't have. The lack of ab workouts was my main concern. So....Looks like I might purchase the new version. I have a Target and Walmart gift card left from baby showers. I think it is appropriate that I spend it on me, not diapers.:)
Monday, June 18, 2012
Mysti's Workout 06-18-2012
1) Kinect: Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012
I'm thinking about purchasing this Kinect game and my friend Dana let me borrow to test it out first. I had the game turned out for about 45 minutes; however, not all of that was working out. I'm still on the fence about the purchase. Positives: had a post pregnancy plan, cardio, toning, seemed to be effective workouts. Negatives: didn't find anything (yet) that really worked my stomach area and take a little while to start up.
2) Week One - Day One Couch to 5k
I had downloaded the free iPhone app to test out the program and liked it. I now have the full version and am going to start at the beginning. (I'm a little OCD).
Just for Fun...
Mommy and Sam
Get Back into Shape Purchase

Friday, June 15, 2012
Michelle's Run 6.15.12
Distance: 2 miles
I got up and ran this morning! Woo hoo! I started my run at 6:30 and was able to run 2 miles and get a shower in before leaving my house at 1:30.
We are leaving tomorrow for South Georgia. I don't know how much running will happen. If I don't get my long run in on the trip, I'll have to do it next week. 5.5 miles... eek!
I got up and ran this morning! Woo hoo! I started my run at 6:30 and was able to run 2 miles and get a shower in before leaving my house at 1:30.
We are leaving tomorrow for South Georgia. I don't know how much running will happen. If I don't get my long run in on the trip, I'll have to do it next week. 5.5 miles... eek!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Mysti 06-13 & 06-14
06-13-2012: 5 Minute Walk, 20 Minutes-1 Minute Run-1.5 Minute Walk, 5 Minute Walk (2.17miles)
06-14-2012: 5 Minute Walk, 20 Minutes-1 Minute Run-1.5 Minute Walk, 5 Minute Walk (2.14miles)
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Michelle's workout 6.12.12
Jilian Michaels Ripped in 30 (week 2 DVD)
I hadn't really planned on a workout today. After a not so great day and not feeling the best about my looks/body today, I decided I needed to do something. So I did a Jilian Michaels DVD. I can't say I was super into it or tried my best, but something is better than nothing!
I'm wanting to run tomorrow, but I'm working all I don't know how I will get it in with the heat.
I hadn't really planned on a workout today. After a not so great day and not feeling the best about my looks/body today, I decided I needed to do something. So I did a Jilian Michaels DVD. I can't say I was super into it or tried my best, but something is better than nothing!
I'm wanting to run tomorrow, but I'm working all I don't know how I will get it in with the heat.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Mysti 06-11-2012
Couch to 5k / 1.62 Miles:
I wanted to start something structured so I went with the Couch To 5k App. It gave me some structure without having to think / plan my workout. Not sure what my running will look like in over the next few months. I would like to start training for a Half Marathon again - I think I was up to 8 Miles when I was 6 week prego and my back went out. However, I have no idea how I would be able to work full time, be a good wife and mother and find time for long runs. Any Tips ??
Also...Did some pelvic and leg lifts. Not sure how I am going to get my stomach back to normal. My c-section left my stomach looking like I had a really bad tummy tuck. Any Tips ??
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Michelle's run 6.10.12
Distance: 5 mile
I did it! I ran 5 miles this afternoon. It was sprinkling, but that kept the heat down. Although, it was really humid. I stopped at mile 2 to get a drink of water and go to the bathroom. Then I stopped at mile 4 for a few seconds to catch my breath. I even ran "the hill" twice!
Only 2 more long runs before the Peachtree. It's not going to be pretty, but I feel confident I'll finish.
I did it! I ran 5 miles this afternoon. It was sprinkling, but that kept the heat down. Although, it was really humid. I stopped at mile 2 to get a drink of water and go to the bathroom. Then I stopped at mile 4 for a few seconds to catch my breath. I even ran "the hill" twice!
Only 2 more long runs before the Peachtree. It's not going to be pretty, but I feel confident I'll finish.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Michelle's workout 6.8.12
Jilian Michael's 30 day shred: week 3 segment
I got back from Savannah late Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday I presented at a literacy conference. I thought I would get a workout in both of those days, but I just didn't. I was tired from the trip and the conference. Yesterday I also had to take 5 doses of vitamin D (per dr. orders) and it really messed with me. Today I felt better, but didn't get a chance to run before it got hot out. So, I went with good ole' Jilian! I have to run 5 miles this weekend.... I haven't decided if it will be tomorrow or Sunday.
I got back from Savannah late Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday I presented at a literacy conference. I thought I would get a workout in both of those days, but I just didn't. I was tired from the trip and the conference. Yesterday I also had to take 5 doses of vitamin D (per dr. orders) and it really messed with me. Today I felt better, but didn't get a chance to run before it got hot out. So, I went with good ole' Jilian! I have to run 5 miles this weekend.... I haven't decided if it will be tomorrow or Sunday.
Michelle's Run 6.3.12
Distance: 2 miles
I was in Savannah for 4 days and I managed to squeeze in one run! I ran 2 miles around Forsyth Park. It was sooo beautiful. The sidewalk was also shaded, so it stayed cooler. If I lived in Savannah I would run there every day! My friend Erika ran the first lap with me. It was nice to have some company and chat on the run. The second lap I ran solo. I ran it pretty hard since I knew I was only going to get 2 miles in. I felt great and loved the change of scenery! I wanted to run another day, but it just didn't work out. Oh well, running at all on vacation is an improvement for me!
I was in Savannah for 4 days and I managed to squeeze in one run! I ran 2 miles around Forsyth Park. It was sooo beautiful. The sidewalk was also shaded, so it stayed cooler. If I lived in Savannah I would run there every day! My friend Erika ran the first lap with me. It was nice to have some company and chat on the run. The second lap I ran solo. I ran it pretty hard since I knew I was only going to get 2 miles in. I felt great and loved the change of scenery! I wanted to run another day, but it just didn't work out. Oh well, running at all on vacation is an improvement for me!
Mysti 06-08-2012
2 Mile Walk/Run. I am slowly but surely getting back in the grove. Today, I tested out my new apps MapMyRun and iHeartRadio. I hate to love my iPhone. Loved both apps - so nice to have something to track and store my workouts. However, I heard emails, phone calls and Facebook posts come through and I don't like to be that connected. Love - Hate. Now Michelle knows why I didn't answer her call - I was in the middle of my workout and not breathing very easily.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Mysti 06-06-2012
2 Mile Walk
I was able to get another walk / run in this morning. John is home this week so I've been able to go without Sam. Which has allowed me to add in some running. I did not buy a jogging stroller because I wanted my running time to be my alone time. So I will have to change my running time to early morning or evening. Sam usually eats about 5 am, but we go back to sleep for about 2 more hours...So,most likely nights right now.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Mysti 06-05-2012
2 Mile Walk I have not been able to start walking / running like I wanted due to an abscessed tooth and emergency root canal last week. :( Nevertheless, I walked this morning and even attempted to run. I ran three different times throughout the 2 miles. It was very minimal; however, felt great!! I almost feel human again!!
Friday, June 1, 2012
Michelle's run 6.1.12
Distance: Run 3 miles, walk .6, run 1.5
Total run: 4.5
So, this was a really crazy run. I started off really well and even tried a different neighborhood. It was mostly downhill, which was bad because I think I went too fast. I also ran along one of the busiest streets in Chattanooga for about a 1/2 mile. There were sidewalks, but it was weird because so many cars passed me. A little over 2 miles in I hit a wall. I just couldn't go anymore. I was running in a flat area, but it was hot and little shade. I was also thirsty and didn't have any water with me. When I got to mile 3 I had to walk back to my house. (about .6 miles) I had a gatorade bottle waiting for me in the driveway. After a few drinks, I was determined to finish the last 1.5 miles. It wasn't pretty, but I finished.
I was having so much trouble I don't know how I am going to run the whole 6.2 mile Peachtree in a month or the 5 miles I have scheduled for next weekend for that matter!
Total run: 4.5
So, this was a really crazy run. I started off really well and even tried a different neighborhood. It was mostly downhill, which was bad because I think I went too fast. I also ran along one of the busiest streets in Chattanooga for about a 1/2 mile. There were sidewalks, but it was weird because so many cars passed me. A little over 2 miles in I hit a wall. I just couldn't go anymore. I was running in a flat area, but it was hot and little shade. I was also thirsty and didn't have any water with me. When I got to mile 3 I had to walk back to my house. (about .6 miles) I had a gatorade bottle waiting for me in the driveway. After a few drinks, I was determined to finish the last 1.5 miles. It wasn't pretty, but I finished.
I was having so much trouble I don't know how I am going to run the whole 6.2 mile Peachtree in a month or the 5 miles I have scheduled for next weekend for that matter!
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