
Monday, January 3, 2011

Michelle's Run 1.3.11

Running Stats:
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 42:15
Pace: 10:33

First run of 2011!  I love my Nike + ipod that I got for Christmas.  It gives me all of the stats, during and after the run. It tells me out loud every mile.  Now I can run around my apartment complex and know exactly how far I am running.  It was also nice to see a decent pace as well.  Hoping to get closer to 10 minute miles consistently by the half marathon.

This run was a little difficult.  But that is to be expected since I hadn't run in over a week and I had been eatting a much of cookies, snacks, etc. It will get easier.  (Hopefully by this weekend when I am supposed to run 7 miles!)

So here's to a great year of running!

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