
Monday, January 24, 2011

Michelle's Run 1.24.11

Running Stats:
Distance: 8 miles!!!!
Time: 1:27

Wow! 8 miles!  The weather was perfect!  It was in the 50's for most of my run.  The first 2 miles my feet felt like the lead.  The last two I don't know if you could really call what I was doing running... it was probably more like slow jogging..haha.  But, I did it!  I know tomorrow I will be sore.  But hopefully this next weekend when I run 8 again it will be easier.  There is a big difference between 6 miles and 8 miles!  I guess I "felt" good the whole time, but by the end my legs were just tired.

Well, off to ice my knees and hips and... haha


  1. I walked 8 miles once and thought I was going to die. Good job! John.
