
Monday, December 13, 2010

Mysti's Run 12-13-2010

1) 45 minutes on elliptical.
2) Ran my stairs 15 times.

Michelle indirectly kicked my butt into gear the last couple of days by posting 6 and 4 mile runs !! Thanks Michelle !!

Ok, I feel like I have talked more about running than actually running over the last month.

My thoughts....
1) Join a gym for 3 months...but I'm cheap
2) Run in the cold and just get over it
3) Wii
4) Wii, elliptical, running...whatever I can do to stay active
5) Elliptical more days of the week but not as long...cause I get bored
6) Running stairs
7) Workout videos from Netflix...I just laughed

As you can see (read), I am totally lost without a plan and continue just talking about what I want to do !!

1 comment:

  1. I would be too cheap for the gym too. If you wanted to get a kick out of yourself I've heard that Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred is pretty hardcore and it's only like 10 dollars are Walmart.

    Otherwise I would say since you won't be able to run everyday, set a goal to do something 5 days a week.

    Those are my ideas. The only reason I have started doing more is because I don't have a lot else going on and the idea of a half marathon is scary!! haha.
