
Monday, May 21, 2012

I'm Back...Hopefully !!

2 mile Walk Samuel was born May 10, 2012 @ 7:35am. He was 6 lb and 4 ozs. Now that Samuel is here and pregnancy is over, I hope to start running again. Samuel was born via c-section; therefore the restart of running will be a little longer than hoped. I am going to start with walking for these first couple of weeks and just see how I feel as the weeks go by. Good news is that my doctor is not requiring me to wait until my 6 week check up - suggested about 3 weeks of recovery and then starting very slow.


  1. yay! You're (on your way) back! You are already looking great by the way. Michael said you must have taken his comment about letting yourself go to heart and changed up your diet or something. haha. He's crazy!

    Now, once you start running again we need to find a race we can run in together!

  2. I know....somehow lost like 20 Lbs in a week :)
