
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Michelle's workout 1.22

I had good intentions of running, but the weather was blah!  So, today I did an OnDemand workout.  They took Jillian Michaels off and I think I'm just going to have to buy one, because I have not found a good replacement for her yet.  Her videos make you really work and not feel super silly.  All of the other ones have I done make me feel like an idiot.  So, I may be adding it to the grocery list for next week.  (Anyone else put non-food items on their grocery list?)

It's supposed to rain almost everyday this week too... ugh!  I just wish it would just SNOW! 

1 comment:

  1. Lol!! I wish it would snow too!! Good for you to do something though! Have a good day!
