
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Mysti's Workout - February 26, 2014

Randomness: Run about 10 minutes and intervals with Dana for about 25 minutes on track and then 5 minute run on treadmill. (Yay, Dana's trying to start running)

My left knee started hurting on Monday morning. Trying to slow down and not push it, but work thought it at same time. (Read somewhere at sometime that you wanted to back off training but not stop)

Continuing my randomness...Trying to eat better?!?
I can stick with a running schedule, but I never seem to stick with eating well past about the 3 week mark. So maybe if I add it to our blogging, I will do better. 

* Salads for lunch at least 4 times per week
* Veggie added to each dinner and watch portions
* Limit unhealthy snacking 
* Sweets are my weakness. Get mini or fun size candy bars and limit to one after lunch and dinner. (Compared to: I ate 4 Dunkin Donuts last week in a 24 hour period)

1 comment:

  1. You and the Dunkin Donuts crack me up! Eating better is so tough! I tell myself that when I'm done nursing I will eat better...we will see! I think working through the little pain is a good idea. I should consult my Running book and see what it says. I'll let you know!
