
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Michelle's run 6.6.13

20 minute walk
12 minute run

Took Heath and Murray.  We walked first and then ran for 12 minutes.  I didn't know how running with the jogger and Murray would go, but it wasn't bad.  It helped that we were running in the middle of the afternoon when others were not out.  I definitely wouldn't do it all of the time, but it's good to know it's possible.

The walk/run was definitely needed.  Heath has not been napping except when he is in his carseat (and even then the naps are really short).  He has been extremely fussy because he is so tired.  We are trying to stay home the next few days so that I can work on getting a better nap routine.  So, the walk/run was a good way for us to get out.  Heath fell asleep, but woke up about 5 minutes after the run was over! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed: getting self motivated and then greeting yourself, baby and dog out the door!! That's a workout alone
