
Monday, March 14, 2011

Michelle's Run 3.14.11

Distance: 11 miles
Time: 1:55
Pace: 10:27

I said I was going to have a redemption run, and that is just what I did.  Check out that pace!  Today's run was a thousand times better than yesterday.  The temperature was perfect and I felt good.  I didn't even listen to my music for the first 8 miles.  I only stopped for water twice (after miles 4 and 8).  After the 8 mile stop I could really feel it in my legs, the last 3 miles were hard.  But I still had a good time.  I would be ecstatic if I ran this well for the Half Marathon.  I only have 2 more long runs left and then a week and a half of tapering and resting, before the race!  eek!

p.s. I signed Michael up for the Half Marathon last night. I'm happy that he is running it and training with me... but I was sort of looking forward to having a cheerleader to cheer me on during the race.  I know some people running the 5k, maybe they will see me and cheer.

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