
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Michelle's walk 3.27.13

30 minute walk with Murray

Yikes it's been too long.  Life has been busy with exhibit and then getting ready to go on maternity leave.  Then we had terrible weather the last few days (flurries on Spring Break?!?!).  I also have a fear of walking and going in to labor.  I'm just not ready yet!  However, I sucked up my fears and went today.  It was still chilly, but sunny.  Murray was even good. 

After we got back from our walk I put Murray to the stroller test.  He generally doesn't like strollers, so I have been a little nervous about getting him near it.  When we tried it out inside he didn't seem to mind, so I thought I would see how he would walk beside it.  He did great!  One thing that helps is that it's a jogger, so the wheels don't make any noise.  It's so quiet.  I could tell he didn't love it, but it didn't bother him too much.  Another impressive thing, I was talking to my mom on the phone (so holding the cell phone up with my shoulder), holding his leash in one hand, and opened the stroller with the other.  Just call me super mom!  :)

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