
Monday, February 20, 2012

Michelle's run 2.20.12

1.5 mile run

So in my mind I was going for 5 miles, yeah that didn't happen.  First, I went to the doctor this morning and got some not so fun news which is weighing on my mind.  Next, although the temp said barely 50 it was a lot warmer and I was over-dressed.  Then part of the little running loop was muddy from yesterday's rain which meant I was going to have to run around this little circle 10 times to get to 5 miles (which also meant I had to ran past my car every lap).  Finally, once I tried to run the whole loop and got mud all on my I just gave in.  I was hot, thirsty, tired, and mentally not into it.  So, 1.5 miles was all I did.  I would say I feel bad about it, but I was already in a bad mood to start, so it didn't really change anything.  Maybe if I feel better I will do a workout video later today.

1 comment:

  1. Awe!! Hate days like this! did do 1.5miles! Thats better than nothing. Hope tomorrow is better =)
