
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Mysti's Run - September 26th & 27th

Friday - 6 miles
Saturday - 10 miles

Fridays pace was 9.38
Saturdays pace was 11.08

Haha, Big difference! 

I've missed Mon, Wed and Mon run over last 2 weeks but I'm sure I will get back in to routine.

September 20, 2014

Michelle's & Mysti's Run

We RAN together!! It was an Amazing Mommy's Weekend Out!!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Mysti's Workout - Sept 7, 2014

8 miles 
10.38 pace

Oh my, I forgot how difficult evening runs can be :-/ 
Pace is almost a full 30 seconds slower, but getting bank up in miles.

Michelle's run 9.7.14

30 min run, 5 min walk

Solo run this evening. It was raining for the first 10 minutes, which cooled things off a bit!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Michelle's Run 9.5.14

23 minute run, 5 minute walk

Got a morning run in with the jogger before our busy day!  It was soooo humid!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Michelle's run 9.3.14

20 minute run, 5 minute walk solo

Went for a run after Heath went to bed. It got dark on me, but I got a solo run in. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Mysti's Workout - Sept 1, 2014

Started off my "Mommy's Day Out" with a 4 mile run.
I'm planning to do some shopping for MYSELF; hoping to get 2 new tops for our Savannah trip, eat lunch and in general get out of the house by myself for a few hours. 

Mysti's Workouts - Aug 29th & 30th

Friday - 2 miles
Saturday - 7 miles

During Saturdays run, I ran in the pouring rain for the first time. Mile 5 was in the rain - nice cool down. :)